In August of 1984 KRC Rock, (originally known as Kor-Rock), revolutionized the landscape industry in southern california with the introduction of a unique boulder delivery and placement system.
The ability to deliver boulders to a job site and place them with an uncommon amount of accuracy and precision has opened new vistas to the landscape architects and contractors. The opportunity to go to a supply yard and choose boulders from an inventory of not only different sizes but colors and styles as well as a new and exciting concept.
Today you can rely on the longevity of our experienced and enthusiastic team to bring you the best variety, selection and inventory of natural stone available. You’ll find landscape boulder, flagstones of slate, sandstone, quartzite and schist as well as building stone, river rock, beach pebbles, pond kits, one-of-a-kind stone fountains, and unique specialty stone. With our specialized delivery capabilities and unparalleled service we’ll help you achieve your vision from the design stage to project completion.